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2 min read

Podcast 7: Traci Cheatham

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Traci Cheatham is the founder of and is an expert on making businesses more successful by making the managerial layer healthier.

In our conversation, we talk about how if a corporation is a body, and if the C-Suite is the brain or the mouth, managers are the liver. They need to deal with the toxins and distractions from both leadership and the employee base, and often end up in unhealthy places dealing with the pressures they must manage.

We also talk about "masculine" vs "feminine" tendencies and cultural norms, as well as the differences between generations. This includes both positive realities and some that may course correct in the other direction as current fads and perspectives change.

For me, the conversation was another reminder that success requires offsetting, complementary perspectives, and that no perspective is the "right" one for all people and all roles in an organization.