Centurion Platforms
Casting your personal vision.
Centurion Platforms are "brand-adjacent" and create a halo effect for the brand, but don't come from the marketing department.

Your vision for a broader audience.
Books are expensive. You choose between time, money, a dream deferred, or compromise (cheap books tossed cynically into the world). If the cost is going to produce a worthy result, or if you're going to share what matters to you with people who matter to you, a book is still a great idea, but what you really need is a platform.
We’ll help you define the vision, the audience, and the right channels (and success metrics) for your efforts, and then we’ll help you get the platform launched and managed.
What is a Platform?
Your book is a $3 business card you give away. A platform is where an audience catches your vision.
Book & Workbook
We'll help you define the idea and the best way to express it. You can write or you can offer feedback as we write for you. The effort is more than ghostwriting – it's a deeper collaboration born from over 30 years of agency and client work based in interviews and then expressing what the client is after. Workbooks when they make sense.
Courses & Community
A good vision draws people to something they can own and build personal value by engaging. Most of the time, our clients have learned something others are eager to adopt. Courses and online communities are a natural part of that process. We'll help you define and prepare the right courses and manage the communities they grow.
Website & Marketing
Your website is the repository and hub for the rest of your platform. There's a simple minimal option, and then there is an uncapped path for the marketing you can test and dial up as the platform grows and takes on a life of its own. We don't maintain a bench for this work, so we can work with our network or yours as you prefer.
Podcast: Host & Guest
Podcasts are critical for building awareness for your vision. That means hosting and it also means being a guest to export your ideas. We build the plan with you and generally recommend working with our preferred provider as a subcontractor. Together, we'll figure out how long you need to be the key person, and how you can pass the baton.
Courses and community can have real overlap here, but there are times where a program is larger or more than a course – consider a scholarship abroad, for example – and there are times where certification requires more than what your course can justify on its own. We keep this bucket on the list to make sure we think big.
Presentations & Events
Whatever your idea is today, it will be richer and more compelling to you by the time we launch it for the world. We'll help you craft two or three great presentations to present your vision, and we'll work with you to both determine places where you can share your vision, and create events where your vision will find peers and amplification.
Network & Affiliations
The world of faithful leaders is blowing up right now, and we've never seen the sort of open-handed collaboration that exists now. While we intend to grow a "Centurion Cohort" around our clients, we can help you connect with amazing peer networks as soon as you're ready. You have a vast cloud of generous friends awaiting you.
Sequels & Adjacencies
There is always more. Most commonly, we see Centurions finding new opportunities to help their employees flourish. It's common that platform success translates to new business opporuntities as well. We also commonly see new books and platform layers evolve. And our favorite is when we get to follow you home to work with families.
Possibly True Reasons Business Leaders Write Books
We found these stats elsewhere, and they seem a bit lofty and sample-dependent. But on the whole, they're helpful to think about the business rationale for developing a platform (if the subject will matter to you over time).
Business authors say writing a book generates more leads.
Business authors say books generate more clients.
Business owners say books help them charge higher fees.
Business authors say they have booked more speaking events.
Business authors say books amplify market credibility.
Business authors report higher quality clients.
Business authors say books improve corporate culture.
Business authors say books spread ideas well.
How We See It
Done right, you should treat your book like a $3 business card.
You don’t make money on your book. You make money on your idea and the value your idea brings to your audience. Your book is just proof you’ve thought about your idea long and well enough to make it worth someone else’s attention.
It costs about $3 to print each copy of your book, and you should treat them like business cards. You should give your book away to exactly the same people you’d offer your regular business card, and for the same reason. It’s your name, your promise, and the start of a conversation.
It Goes Deeper Than That
Your platform is an invitation to what matters the most to you.
If you know what “heavy is the head that wears the crown” feels like, you know the work of leading people is sacred. It’s usually work you do alone, obediently and in front of God. There’s beauty in that place, and it’s meant to be shared.
You should absolutely expect your efforts to produce a financial return. But you also know that when a company or any effort belongs to Jesus, His KPI is how many people are loved to reconciliation with His Father.
Your business is more than just business. Your life lessons are more than just life hacks. Your book and your platform should be too.
CEO Platform Example
We start with a book, but you need more than a book. The platform will usually also include at least a website, podcast, presentations, and marketing support. The best platform will not be "on brand," but will create a halo effect for your brand based on who you are as a leader.
In the case of Max Yoder and Do Better Work, his company was a learning management platform and the book is really about nonviolent communication. The effort did amazing things for Lessonly and its culture, as well as customer expectations, and ultimately added real value when Lessonly was acquired by Seismic.

St. Augustine invented the confessional memoir. Modern examples are shorter and funnier (think Anne Lamott and Donald Miller). Now comes Pete Gall, who somehow gathers the messiness of his life into an enduring account, one both poignant and whimsical.
Philip Yancey
Bestselling Author

Pete Gall approaches life with such honesty and intelligence it can be a bit unnerving to interact with his story - whether in person or in his books. If you hang in there, you discover that grace is Pete's ultimate aim, and love is his trump card. He challenged me to explore my own personal story, hoping to experience the kind of growth and insight I drew from him.
Jeff Johnsen
Exec Dir Mile High Ministries

Pete Gall writes with an honesty and transparency that is simply unheard of. His insights are breathtaking, and his stories about as raw and naked as they come.
Mark Oestreicher
President of Youth Specialties

Pete Gall is, first and foremost, a tremendous writer. No, wait; he's primarily a deep, insightful thinker. Okay, why split hairs - he's both. He manages to dig deep into THE issues of faith and self with humility and expertise while gently inviting me to follow along - the result is hard to describe, but I know I'm different and better for having been encouraged and provoked by him.
Dan Merchant
Writer, Director, Producer
Rough Pricing Summary:
Everything starts on a one-year agreement. Depending on how quickly you’re able to go, and what all you want to include in the platform at launch, start-to-launch is 12 months, and then there are recurring fees for services.
A base platform is $150k.
Recurring fees after launch are $5k per month, renewing every six months.
Unlike most agencies, we do not staff a bench. We also work with a caveated “unlimited” time model (the caveats relate to defining your priorities, making sure all decision-makers are in the room for meetings, and tracking any specialty subcontractors and some deliverables in parallel to the main engagement). You will never work with a “b team,” nor will you pay hourly rates for a room full of people who don’t need to be in the room.
To protect the quality of your experience and our home lives, we set a cap of 10 clients for 2025.
As you weigh the value:
Our number one focus is you and how you respond to God in the context of your leadership position.
We have preferred partners and we scale up and down according to client needs, but we are also happy to work with your existing agency partners as appropriate.
We pay attention to your calling personally, with your family, with your company, and with your platform. This gives us a unique ability to translate value into each of these arenas.
Time and again, we have seen how our efforts with both brand work and with platforms has driven up exit values for some clients, while simplifying and improving terms for clients who are in acquisition mode. This, in addition to the operational and revenue benefits our clients always experience.
Our “brass ring” is to travel with you for decades as stewards of your vision in every arena of your life, especially where your objective is to pass your vision to others for them to carry it, as happens with exits, platform handovers, and within families and households.